War on illicit brews, drug abuse will be ruthless – Kindiki

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has affirmed the government’s commitment to eliminate drug abuse and illicit brew trade in the country, particularly in Central Kenya.

Speaking on Sunday during a prayer service in Murang’a, Kindiki said the country risks losing an entire generation to the vices. 

“The manufacture, trade, use and abuse of illicit alcohol and narcotic drugs in Central Kenya and other parts of the country is a serious security threat,” Kindiki said.

“The government will not backtrack in this fight and will deploy equal if not more ruthlessness and viciousness as it has in combating terrorism and banditry.” 

The CS was speaking at PEFA Church in Kamahuha, Maragua.

The Kenya Kwanza government fulfilled its promise and increased budgetary allocation for the war against illicit brews and substance abuse.

In budget proposals read in Parliament on Thursday by National Treasury CS Njuguna Ndungu, the Interior Ministry was allocated Sh182.5 billion for the 2023-24 fiscal year.

In a statement on Friday, Interior PS Raymond Omollo said the budget will elevate the ministry’s coordination and support actions for other government entities in the counties including the fight against drug use and illicit brews.

These include National Police Service, National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse and National Government Administrative Officers.

Omollo said Sh729 million has been set aside for operations in the fight against alcohol and drug abuse, part of which will go into the construction of a model treatment and rehabilitation centre.

He reiterated Kindiki’s demand for accountability from all the agencies involved in the crackdown which the CS issued during the third regional stakeholder’s engagement on June 12 at Kirubia Stadium in Tharaka Nithi.

“All our officers are under strict instruction to demonstrate unquestionable diligence in managing resources assigned to them and institutionalize an absolute commitment to serving Kenyans,” Omollo said.