Provost approves this year's list of strategic investments

Interim Provost and Executive Vice President Janet Woodruff-Borden has approved funding for a set of strategic initiatives after receiving recommendations from the UO’s Budget Advisory Group.

Each year, the university allocates a small portion of the education and general fund budget for strategic investment. Deans and vice presidents across campus can submit proposals to tap the fund.

The provost appoints the Budget Advisory Group, made up of faculty members, students and staff, including many members of the Senate Budget Committee, to provide advice on recommended investments. The group met over several weeks and received 26 proposals from across the university requesting more than $6.5 million in recurring new funding and more than $1.1 million in one-time funds.

This year, a total of $400,000 in one-time funding and $2 million in recurring funding was approved for the following strategic initiatives:

  • Campus natural area steward, $158,000.
  • Campus research data services (Dryad Repository and REDCap), $20,000.
  • Classroom improvements and remodels, $258,411.
  • College of Arts and Sciences external internship coordinators, $233,600.
  • Dreamer and Undocumented Student Support Program, $135,369.
  • Export control officer, $90,530.
  • High-performance computing security enhancement, $103,182 in one-time funding and $35,468 in recurring funding.
  • International graduate student recruiter based in India, $193,810 in one-time funding.
  • Manage cybersecurity risks, phase 2, $103,000 in one-time funding and $435,000 inrecurring funding.
  • Portland career advancement coordinator, $125,000.
  • Staffing, Business Affairs, $250,000.
  • Student employee specialist, $114,000.
  • University access control staffing, $144,622.

For more information about the UO’s approach to strategic investments and the Budget Advisory Group process, visit the provost’s website.