De­nali claims a neu­ro­fil­a­ment vic­to­ry in Hunter syn­drome, two years af­ter let­ting down Wall Street

De­nali Ther­a­peu­tics once again tout­ed bio­mark­er da­ta for its ex­per­i­men­tal Hunter syn­drome drug Tues­day morn­ing, aim­ing to push the pro­gram to­ward FDA ap­proval af­ter dis­ap­point­ing Wall Street two years ago.

The biotech re­vealed that 13 pa­tients who had re­ceived the drug, dubbed DNL310, for at least two years saw an av­er­age 64% re­duc­tion in serum neu­ro­fil­a­ment. Ad­di­tion­al­ly, in 11 evalu­able pa­tients at the two-year mark, De­nali ob­served an av­er­age 53.5% re­duc­tion in cere­brospinal flu­id neu­ro­fil­a­ment.

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