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Sifting through countless of stocks in the Capital Markets industry can be tedious, and sometimes two stocks are just too similar to judge which is the better investment. If you’re on the fence about investing in SEI Investments Company, BGC Group or Inc. because you’re not sure how they measure up, it’s important to compare them on a few factors before making your decision.
Read on to learn how SEI Investments Company, BGC Group and Inc. compare based on key financial metrics to determine which better meets your investment needs.
About SEI Investments Company, BGC Group and Inc.
SEI Investments Company is a publicly owned asset management holding company. Through its subsidiaries, the firm provides wealth management, retirement and investment solutions, asset management, asset administration, investment processing outsourcing solutions, financial services, and investment advisory services to its clients. It provides its services to private banks, independent financial advisers, institutional investors, investment managers, investment advisors, wealth management organizations, corporations, retirement scheme sponsors, not-for-profit organizations, hedge fund managers, registered investment advisers, independent broker-dealers, financial planners, life insurance agents, defined-benefit schemes, defined-contribution schemes, endowments, foundations, and board-designated fund, through its subsidiaries. Through its subsidiaries, the firm manages separate client-focused portfolios. It also launches and manages equity, fixed income, and balanced mutual funds, through its subsidiaries. Through its subsidiaries, the firm invests in public equity and fixed income markets. It employs fundamental and quantitative analysis with a focus on top-down and bottom-up analysis to make its investments, through its subsidiaries. SEI Investments Company was founded in 1968 and is based in Oaks, Pennsylvania.
BGC Group, Inc. operates as a financial brokerage and technology company in the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Asia Pacific. The company offers various brokerage products, such as fixed income, such as government bonds, corporate bonds, and other debt instruments, as well as related interest rate derivatives and credit derivatives; and brokerage services for foreign exchange, energy, commodities, shipping, equities, and futures and options. It also provides price discovery, trade execution, connectivity solutions, information, consulting, brokerage services, clearing, and other post-trade services, information, and other back-office services to an assortment of financial and non-financial institutions. In addition, the company offers electronic and hybrid brokerage, other financial technology solutions, market data and related information services. Further, the company’s integrated platform is designed to provide flexibility to customers regarding price discovery, trade execution and processing of transactions, as well as accessing liquidity through its platforms, for transactions executed either OTC or through an exchange. It primarily serves banks, broker-dealers, trading firms, hedge funds, governments, corporations, investment firms, commodity trading firms, and end users. BGC Group, Inc. was founded in 1945 and is headquartered in New York, New York.
Latest Capital Markets and SEI Investments Company, BGC Group, Inc. Stock News
As of March 21, 2025, SEI Investments Company had a $9.6 billion market capitalization, compared to the Capital Markets median of $3.4 million. SEI Investments Company’s stock is down 8.1% in 2025, up 2.5% in the previous five trading days and up 10.25% in the past year.
Currently, SEI Investments Company’s price-earnings ratio is 17.2. SEI Investments Company’s trailing 12-month revenue is $2.1 billion with a 27.3% net profit margin. Year-over-year quarterly sales growth most recently was 14.9%. Analysts expect adjusted earnings to reach $4.852 per share for the current fiscal year. SEI Investments Company currently has a 1.3% dividend yield.
As of March 21, 2025, BGC Group, Inc. had a $4.5 billion market cap, putting it in the 70th percentile of all stocks. BGC Group, Inc.’s stock is up 3.2% in 2025, up 6.1% in the previous five trading days and up 17.17% in the past year.
Currently, BGC Group, Inc.’s price-earnings ratio is 37.0. BGC Group, Inc.’s trailing 12-month revenue is $2.2 billion with a 5.8% net profit margin. Year-over-year quarterly sales growth most recently was 10.5%. Analysts expect adjusted earnings to reach $1.155 per share for the current fiscal year. BGC Group, Inc. currently has a 0.9% dividend yield.
How We Compare SEI Investments Company, BGC Group and Inc. Stock Grades
Stock evaluation requires access to huge amounts of data and the knowledge and time to sift through it all, make sense of financial ratios, read income statements and analyze recent stock movements. AAII created A+ Investor, a robust data suite that condenses data research in an actionable and customizable way suitable for investors of all knowledge levels, to help investors streamline and work through such data.
AAII’s proprietary stock grades come with A+ Investor. These offer intuitive A‐F grades for each of five key investing factors: value, growth, momentum, earnings estimate revisions and quality. Here, we’ll take a closer look at SEI Investments Company, BGC Group and Inc.’s stock grades to see how they measure up against one another.
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