One way to bring in extra income each month may require little work on a daily basis. Passive income can be a way for someone with a full-time job or needing more flexibility in their schedules to earn extra money.
The term “passive income” can be a bit deceiving — since there’s effort required to get started and some work needed along the way. Here’s a look at four old-school passive income ideas that are still viable in 2025.
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When it comes to passive income, this may be one of the first ways that comes to mind. After all, putting money into investments and the stock market and letting them do their thing may be exactly what many people think of when they hear the term “passive income.”
As explained by Navy Federal Credit Union, some options to look at include index funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and mutual funds. You may also look at investing in individual stocks and seeking the help of a financial advisor.
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If you’re financially able to do so, it might be wise to put your money to work. That may mean using the money you’re saving in a way that helps you earn more.
This may be one of the easiest ways to start earning passive income, since you’re going to start collecting interest on your savings. Per Synchrony, you can try high-yield savings accounts, certificates of deposit (CDs) and bonds.
In a list of ways to build wealth with passive income, Forbes listed real estate investing and rentals as one of the best methods for 2025. When it comes to the investment side, you might look into something like a real estate investment trust (REIT).
But you don’t need to go that route to make real estate part of your passive income. The old-school way of renting out spaces can bring in money — and you can add a high-tech twist for additional options. You could rent out parts of your home or office, perhaps using popular online sites. You could also purchase rental properties.
Here’s definitely an old-school idea for earning passive income that still works today. You may be able to turn those vending machines you use to grab snacks or coffee into a way to bring in some extra money.
According to Navy Federal, you need to do some work to find good locations, methods for keeping machines stocked and potentially using healthier or unique options to beat the competition. Once you purchase and put the machines in place, they can generate income around the clock without a lot of daily work.