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Sifting through countless of stocks in the Insurance industry can be tedious, and sometimes two stocks are just too similar to judge which is the better investment. If you’re on the fence about investing in The Baldwin Insurance Group, Inc., Hamilton Insurance Group or Ltd. because you’re not sure how they measure up, it’s important to compare them on a few factors before making your decision.
Read on to learn how The Baldwin Insurance Group, Inc., Hamilton Insurance Group and Ltd. compare based on key financial metrics to determine which better meets your investment needs.
About The Baldwin Insurance Group, Inc., Hamilton Insurance Group and Ltd.
The Baldwin Insurance Group, Inc. operates as an independent insurance distribution firm that delivers insurance and risk management solutions in the United States. It operates through three segments: Insurance Advisory Solutions; Underwriting, Capacity & Technology Solutions; and Mainstreet Insurance Solutions. The Insurance Advisory Solutions segment provides private risk management, commercial risk management, employee benefits, and Medicare insurance solutions for businesses and high-net-worth individuals, as well as their families. The Underwriting, Capacity & Technology Solutions segment offers MGA platform, that manufactures technology-enabled insurance products suite comprises personal, commercial, and professional lines. The Mainstreet Insurance Solutions segment provides personal insurance, commercial insurance, and life and health solutions to individuals and businesses in communities, as well as offers reinsurance brokerage; and consultation for government assistance programs and solutions, including traditional Medicare and Medicare advantage and affordable care act to seniors and eligible individuals through a network of primarily independent contractor agents. The company was formerly known as BRP Group, Inc. and changed its name to The Baldwin Insurance Group, Inc. in May 2024. The Baldwin Insurance Group, Inc. was founded in 2011 and is headquartered in Tampa, Florida.
Hamilton Insurance Group, Ltd., through its subsidiaries, operates as specialty insurance and reinsurance company in Bermuda and internationally. The company operates Hamilton Global Specialty, Hamilton Select, and Hamilton Re underwriting platforms. The company offers casualty reinsurance products, such as commercial auto, general liability, healthcare, multiline, personal motor, professional liability, umbrella and excess casualty, and worker’s compensation and employer’s liability reinsurance; property reinsurance and insurance; and specialty reinsurance solutions, including accident and health, aviation and space, crisis management, mortgage, financial risks, marine and energy, and multiline specialty. In addition, it offers accident and health, cyber, energy, environmental, financial lines, fine art and specie, kidnap and ransom, mergers and acquisitions, marine and energy liability, political risk and violence, professional liability, property binders, property direct and facultative, professional lines, space, upstream energy, excess casualty, war and terrorism, allied medical, management liability, medical professionals, general liability, products liability and contractors, and small business casualty insurance plans, as well as surety and treaty reinsurance products. The company was incorporated in 2013 and is headquartered in Pembroke, Bermuda.
Latest Insurance and The Baldwin Insurance Group, Inc., Hamilton Insurance Group, Ltd. Stock News
As of March 13, 2025, The Baldwin Insurance Group, Inc. had a $2.6 billion market capitalization, compared to the Insurance median of $4.8 million. The Baldwin Insurance Group, Inc.’s stock is NA in 2025, NA in the previous five trading days and up 34.04% in the past year.
Currently, The Baldwin Insurance Group, Inc. does not have a price-earnings ratio. The Baldwin Insurance Group, Inc.’s trailing 12-month revenue is $1.4 billion with a -1.8% net profit margin. Year-over-year quarterly sales growth most recently was 15.9%. Analysts expect adjusted earnings to reach $1.832 per share for the current fiscal year. The Baldwin Insurance Group, Inc. does not currently pay a dividend.
Currently, Hamilton Insurance Group, Ltd.’s price-earnings ratio is 5.5. Hamilton Insurance Group, Ltd.’s trailing 12-month revenue is $2.3 billion with a 17.2% net profit margin. Year-over-year quarterly sales growth most recently was 13.3%. Analysts expect adjusted earnings to reach $3.195 per share for the current fiscal year. Hamilton Insurance Group, Ltd. does not currently pay a dividend.
How We Compare The Baldwin Insurance Group, Inc., Hamilton Insurance Group and Ltd. Stock Grades
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AAII’s proprietary stock grades come with A+ Investor. These offer intuitive A‐F grades for each of five key investing factors: value, growth, momentum, earnings estimate revisions and quality. Here, we’ll take a closer look at The Baldwin Insurance Group, Inc., Hamilton Insurance Group and Ltd.’s stock grades to see how they measure up against one another.
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