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Learn more about whether Gladstone Investment Corporation is a good stock to buy or sell based on recent news as well as its key financial metrics. Read on to find out how (GAIN.I) grades on certain investment factors and determine whether it meets your investment needs.
Latest Gladstone Investment Corporation Stock News
As of December 19, 2024, Gladstone Investment Corporation had a $479.9 million market capitalization, putting it in the 40th percentile of companies in the Capital Markets industry.
Currently, Gladstone Investment Corporation’s price-earnings ratio is 23.8. Gladstone Investment Corporation’s trailing 12-month revenue is $91.5 million with a 41.7% profit margin. Year-over-year quarterly sales growth most recently was 11.3%. There are not analysts providing consensus earnings estimates for the current fiscal year. Gladstone Investment Corporation does not currently pay a dividend.
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